Saturday, July 3, 2010

Progress & Pillows

If you're wondering what's going on with the horse knitting, here it is. Unfortunately, it seems that I am becoming bored with knitting square after square. It wouldn't be surprising if this became a pillowcase rather than a blanket. I bit off more than I'm willing to chew. Sorry!

Whew! Circular Pillow! It was made using as much of an old pattern as I could remember(which luckily wasn't much!) because the book that contained the pattern has been lost.

Cast on 1 stitch
Row 1: Purl 1 stitch
Row 2: Increase on the 1 stitch
Row 3: Purl back across the 2 stitches
Row 4: Increase on the first stitch, then knit through the rest of the row
Row 5: Purl back across the row
Row 6: Knit across row, increasing on the last stitch
Row 7: Purl back across the row

Repeat rows 4-7 until you reach the desired size (I had 30 stitches) then bind off. You need a total of 16 triangles. Once you have them all, sew them together in a circle (Well, technically an octagon) and stuff it. :D
And I did not create this pattern, so I take no credit for the pattern itself. However, I created the pillow, and I take full creadit for that.

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