Saturday, August 28, 2010

Knitted Lighthouse!

So, I was at my grandma's house, and she had some cool yarn in some sea colors. She also has tons of pictures of lighthouses and beaches and stuff. So I thought to myself "Hey, I'll make a knitted lighthouse!"
And here we are.
The extremely scratched-up CD was placed there for size comparison. Perhaps a ruler would have been better... Naa!

So you do SOMETHING like this. It may be a bit innacurate because it's been awhile.

- *K1, yo, Repeat from * 4 times, K1. K2tog for next five sts.
- k across
- k across
- P across

Repeat previous four rows.

So you do that for the bottom, switching out colors for the sand, the seafoam, the ocean itself, etc. Once the ocean seems big enough, stop doing the above pattern and just do a stockinette stitch. Then on the side you do something like this:

Then, toward the top I knitted white and blue yarn at the same time, giving that cool cloudy look.
For a border I crocheted a thin strip in blue, and then I crocheted that foamy-looking border.

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